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We want you to feel connected at In Christ New Hope Chirstian Center!  That happens as you get to know the  people and the staff at the church but, beyond that, it happens as you find your place to serve the Lord and make a difference in the lives of others.  

We have many ministries in the church that exist to serve those who attend our church, but they also provide ways in which you can be a part of serving others.  Please contact the church at 407-951-7275. if you would like additional information about any of these ministries.  These important ministries include:


Greeters & Usher Ministry – responsible for directing the flow of people in and out of the sanctuary during service times, parking lot mangement, greeters ministry, and proper care of people requests during church services.

Worship Ministry – if you’re a gifted musician or vocalist and love the Lord, you can contact our Worship Leader to begin the process of helping in our Sunday Worship Services.


Media Ministry  (including sound board, video, lighting, and powerpoint operators) – state of the art ministry that's responsible for clarity of sound, recording of all sermons, and distrubution, packaging, and sales of all books and CD's in our resource center.


Youth Ministry – assisting our Youth Pastors in reaching out to our Jr. and Sr. High young people as they make life changing decisions in this key time of their lives.


Kingdom Men’s Ministry – helping to organize ministries and events that facilitate the spiritual growth and relationships of the men at our church.


Complete Women’s Ministry – helping to organize ministries and events that facilitate the spiritual growth and relationships of the women at our church.


Prayer Ministry – committing to pray for the emergency and special needs that arise in our church.


Special Event's Ministry – goals are planning and scheduling of all events, such as Christmas, Family & Friends Day, Father's Day, Mother's Day, ect. Responsible for developing budgets for each event, advertising, and appropriation of other ministries for desired results and execution of events.


Maintenance Ministry – meeting periodically at the church to help keep our building looking great.

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